Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is your favorite color of nail polish to see on a girls toes?

Girls don't wear open toe shoes in winter much, so think summer colors...What is your favorite color of nail polish to see on a girls toes?
Yes. I agree with the others when they say red, but I am a total advocate of wearing nail polish on my toes because they give them a very sexy, and alluring attractiveness. Not to mention, Lots of attention from guys.

When a woman takes time to groom herself like that, it means a lot to the fellows. It says that I care about how I look. Mostly you feel on the inside how you look on the outside. If I'm having a bad day, it will usually make me look sad on the outside and feel sluggish on the inside. Anyhoo...

Back to the question, I love a hot fluorescent pink on my toes in summertime or a tangelo orange. The white nail polish looks swell too!! Very hot, Very supersexy!! Hope this helps.What is your favorite color of nail polish to see on a girls toes?
I honestly think that any shade of pink and red of corse...

but whenever it is summertime I think bright colors bring more attention.
red is the only color that really looks good on anyone
red and hot pink are feminine,i love them !
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