Saturday, August 21, 2010

My toe nails good to bad HELP?

Okay so my dad has the nasty uglyiest toe nails in the world and when i was born i had good toe nails well they have been good all my life and im 14 and today i noticed there turning this yellow color and thats the color of my dadsi put this sun protector stuff on them its like a clear coat but help me how can i fix them !!!!!!!!!!!!1My toe nails good to bad HELP?



have funguss!My toe nails good to bad HELP?
Mix 1/4 c. bleach in 4 cups water. Soak your toes in the water for 10 mins and rinse well. This should help with the discoloration.

If that doesn't help consider finding a salon that also does mens grooming. It might sound weird but getting a pedicure might be what you need to keep your feet nice.

They won't paint the nails any funny colors or anything. They may top it with a matte polish to protect it. In anycase they should be able to help you. If you don't want to ask people you know try visiting a fine mens wear store and ask if they can recomend a full serice stylist shop which does mens manicures.

Worst case scenario ask the best dressed male clerk at Macy's. He will get you pointed in the right dirrection. You don't need to mention your toes, just ask for a Male friendly full service salon.

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